
Showing posts from August, 2020


FOREVER NATURAL Cleansing & Weight Management Program Today loosing weight is a goal for many people, but not so many people know how important to clean the digestive system, the most important system in our bodies. Digestive health plays a key role in every aspect of the body’s functions. Just as we clean our homes, we have to clean our bodies as well at regular intervals, and strengthen them so as enable them to fight off disease. We have great need for this, especially since so many of the harmful things found in our environment – polluted air, poor quality water, preservatives in our food, artificial colorants, drugs – results in the buildup of large amounts of harmful toxins within our bodies. We are consuming several kilograms of poison each year. Not all at once, of course, but in tiny increment day by day, through our skin, lungs, and mucous membranes. The other slowly acting poison is, of course the stress. Warning sings which indicate a need to ride of toxins from o


  What Are Menstrual Problems?   Menstrual cycles often bring about a variety of uncomfortable symptoms leading up to your period. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) encompasses the most common issues, such as mild cramping and fatigue, but the symptoms usually go away when your period begins. However, other, more serious menstrual problems may also occur. Menstruation that is too heavy or too light, or the complete absence of a cycle, may suggest that there are other issues that are contributing to an abnormal menstrual cycle. Remember that a “normal” menstrual cycle means something different for every woman. A cycle that’s regular for you may be abnormal for someone else. It’s important to stay in tune with your body and to talk to your doctor if you notice any significant changes to your menstrual cycle. There are several different menstrual problems that you may experience. Premenstrual Syndrome PMS occurs one to two weeks before your period begins. Some women experience a r